Star Myths of the Greeks and Romans
Nereids Poseidon's Articles In Current Events
August 8, 2004 by Nereids Poseidon
by Tim O'Shea "They're going to crash the plane into the World Trade Center." Aldous Huxley's inspired 1954 essay detailed the vivid, mind-expanding, multisensory insights of his mescaline adventures. By altering his brain chemistry with natural psychotropics, Huxley tapped into a rich and fluid world of shimmering, indescribable beauty and power. With his neurosensory input thus triggered, Huxley was able to enter that parallel universe described by every mystic and space captain...
August 9, 2004 by Nereids Poseidon
Several years ago, businesswoman Joan Veon had no idea she would one day be standing toe-to-toe with world leaders, challenging their ideas on global government. Since that time, however, Veon has done extensive research on the United Nations and the organization's agenda and has attended dozens of U.N. conferences. In her book, "Prince Charles -- The Sustainable Prince," Veon explores the prince's connections to both the U.N. and the most powerful corporate leaders in the world. Wor...
August 25, 2004 by Nereids Poseidon
THE SAUDI DYNASTY: FROM WHERE IS IT? AND WHO IS THE REAL ANCESTOR OF THIS FAMILY? RESEARCH AND PRESENTATION OF: MOHAMMAD SAKHER , who was ordered killed by the Saudi Regime for the following findings: 1. Are the Saudi Family members belonging to the Tribe of ANZA BEN WA'EL as they allege to be? 2. Is Islam their actual religion? 3. Are they of an ARAB ORIGIN at all? In the year 851 A.H. a group of men from AL MASALEEKH CLAN, which was a branch of ANZA Tribe, formed a caravan fo...
August 24, 2004 by Nereids Poseidon
Alex Jones Interviews Col. Donn de Grand-Pre, U.S. Army (ret.) AJ: He put on a symposium a few years ago that made headlines in major newspapers, in Portugal. We had one of those articles posted. And it says, "Portugal-based investigative journalist has presented The News, with the version of the September 11th attacks that has to-date failed to attract the attention of the international press. The report, compiled by the independent inquiry into the September 11th World Trade Center...
August 19, 2004 by Nereids Poseidon
Now We Know For Sure They Lied About 911 By John Kaminski I challenge anyone to watch the new "911 In Plane Site" video and still believe the government's story that a jet airliner full of passengers hit the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. It simply can't be done. I'll bet anyone any amount of anything that they just can't do it. Utilizing footage from TV networks - often stuff that was shown only one time and never seen again - the Power Hour radio show's Dave Von Kleist metho...
August 15, 2004 by Nereids Poseidon
Elite Bankers Now Pulling Plug On US Economy & Currency! By Senator Tim Ferguson - Ferguson Report I have warned for a long time that the Federal Reserve is planning to destroy the U.S. economy by: printing the U.S. dollar in exponentially riskier quantities until it blows off the charts and crashes, and by easing credit and rates until the average individual and corporate debt loads are so enormous that the resulting massive distortions in the economy suddenly bring on an econom...