Star Myths of the Greeks and Romans
Nereids Poseidon's Articles In Religion
July 20, 2004 by Nereids Poseidon
Here is the transcript of Lyndon LaRouche's interview with Jeff Rense, on July 12, 2004. [unproofed] RENSE: And, welcome back.... We are almost in the middle of July already, the year 2004. It is a Presidential campaign year. The campaign is in full swing, and it is a great honor to have back with us, for this first hour tonight, one of - in my humble estimation - one of the finest American politicians, and I mean that in the {human} sense. This man is a true American. And when he talks, ...
July 19, 2004 by Nereids Poseidon
The "Quiet War" Against Humanity By Henry Makow Ph.D. July 17, 2004 The truth is at once simpler and more incredible than anyone could conceive. A satanic cult headquartered in the City of London holds mankind in bondage. They worship Lucifer and are determined to redefine reality and rule the planet. If you owned an unseemly proportion of the world's wealth, would you share it with the ignorant masses? Wouldn't you teach that God is dead, and Truth and Justice are purely subj...
July 1, 2004 by Nereids Poseidon
The Influence of Luciferic and Ahrimanic Beings on Historical Development. The clear Perception of the Sensory World and Free Imaginations as the Task of Our Time. Genghis Khan and the Discovery of America Rudolf Steiner Dornach, September 17, 1916 Yesterday , we tried to characterize the forces that permeated Greece and Rome in order to obtain an idea of the influences that have been carried over from the fourth into the fifth post-Atlantean age, and we gave some indication of w...
June 30, 2004 by Nereids Poseidon
Rudolf Steiner saw the end of the 20th century as a culmination for anthroposophy and as a crucial testing time for mankind. The year 1998, he said, is especially important because it is the third repetition in the Christian era of the number 666, the Number of the Beast in the Apocalypse. 3 beasts are mentioned in Apocalypse: a great red dragon in heaven with 7 heads, 10 horns, and 7 crowns; a beast from the sea with 7 heads, 10 horns, and 10 crowns - this beast was like a leopard with be...